function isIn(needle, haystack) { return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0; } function extend(custom, defaults) { for (const key in defaults) { if (custom[key] == null) { const value = defaults[key]; custom[key] = value; } } return custom; } function isMobile(agent) { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(agent); } function createEvent(event, bubble = false, cancel = false, detail = null) { let customEvent; if (document.createEvent != null) { // W3C DOM customEvent = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); customEvent.initCustomEvent(event, bubble, cancel, detail); } else if (document.createEventObject != null) { // IE DOM < 9 customEvent = document.createEventObject(); customEvent.eventType = event; } else { customEvent.eventName = event; } return customEvent; } function emitEvent(elem, event) { if (elem.dispatchEvent != null) { // W3C DOM elem.dispatchEvent(event); } else if (event in (elem != null)) { elem[event](); } else if (`on${event}` in (elem != null)) { elem[`on${event}`](); } } function addEvent(elem, event, fn) { if (elem.addEventListener != null) { // W3C DOM elem.addEventListener(event, fn, false); } else if (elem.attachEvent != null) { // IE DOM elem.attachEvent(`on${event}`, fn); } else { // fallback elem[event] = fn; } } function removeEvent(elem, event, fn) { if (elem.removeEventListener != null) { // W3C DOM elem.removeEventListener(event, fn, false); } else if (elem.detachEvent != null) { // IE DOM elem.detachEvent(`on${event}`, fn); } else { // fallback delete elem[event]; } } function getInnerHeight() { if ('innerHeight' in window) { return window.innerHeight; } return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } // Minimalistic WeakMap shim, just in case. const WeakMap = window.WeakMap || window.MozWeakMap || class WeakMap { constructor() { this.keys = []; this.values = []; } get(key) { for (let i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { const item = this.keys[i]; if (item === key) { return this.values[i]; } } return undefined; } set(key, value) { for (let i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { const item = this.keys[i]; if (item === key) { this.values[i] = value; return this; } } this.keys.push(key); this.values.push(value); return this; } }; // Dummy MutationObserver, to avoid raising exceptions. const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver || class MutationObserver { constructor() { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console !== null) { console.warn('MutationObserver is not supported by your browser.'); console.warn( 'WOW.js cannot detect dom mutations, please call .sync() after loading new content.' ); } } static notSupported = true; observe() {} }; // getComputedStyle shim, from const getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle || function getComputedStyle(el) { const getComputedStyleRX = /(\-([a-z]){1})/g; return { getPropertyValue(prop) { if (prop === 'float') { prop = 'styleFloat'; } if (getComputedStyleRX.test(prop)) { prop.replace(getComputedStyleRX, (_, _char) => _char.toUpperCase()); } const { currentStyle } = el; return (currentStyle != null ? currentStyle[prop] : void 0) || null; }, }; }; export default class WOW { defaults = { boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animated', offset: 0, mobile: true, live: true, callback: null, scrollContainer: null, resetAnimation: true, }; constructor(options = {}) { this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.resetAnimation = this.resetAnimation.bind(this); this.scrollHandler = this.scrollHandler.bind(this); this.scrollCallback = this.scrollCallback.bind(this); this.scrolled = true; this.config = extend(options, this.defaults); if (options.scrollContainer != null) { this.config.scrollContainer = document.querySelector(options.scrollContainer); } // Map of elements to animation names: this.animationNameCache = new WeakMap(); this.wowEvent = createEvent(this.config.boxClass); } init() { this.element = window.document.documentElement; if (isIn(document.readyState, ['interactive', 'complete'])) { this.start(); } else { addEvent(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', this.start); } this.finished = []; } start() { this.stopped = false; this.boxes = []`.${this.config.boxClass}`)); this.all = this.boxes.slice(0); if (this.boxes.length) { if (this.disabled()) { this.resetStyle(); } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.boxes.length; i++) { const box = this.boxes[i]; this.applyStyle(box, true); } } } if (!this.disabled()) { addEvent(this.config.scrollContainer || window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler); addEvent(window, 'resize', this.scrollHandler); this.interval = setInterval(this.scrollCallback, 50); } if ( { const mut = new MutationObserver(records => { for (let j = 0; j < records.length; j++) { const record = records[j]; for (let k = 0; k < record.addedNodes.length; k++) { const node = record.addedNodes[k]; this.doSync(node); } } return undefined; }); mut.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); } } // unbind the scroll event stop() { this.stopped = true; removeEvent(this.config.scrollContainer || window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler); removeEvent(window, 'resize', this.scrollHandler); if (this.interval != null) { clearInterval(this.interval); } } sync() { if (MutationObserver.notSupported) { this.doSync(this.element); } } doSync(element) { if (typeof element === 'undefined' || element === null) { ({ element } = this); } if (element.nodeType !== 1) { return; } element = element.parentNode || element; const iterable = element.querySelectorAll(`.${this.config.boxClass}`); for (let i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { const box = iterable[i]; if (!isIn(box, this.all)) { this.boxes.push(box); this.all.push(box); if (this.stopped || this.disabled()) { this.resetStyle(); } else { this.applyStyle(box, true); } this.scrolled = true; } } } // show box element show(box) { this.applyStyle(box); box.className = `${box.className} ${this.config.animateClass}`; if (this.config.callback != null) { this.config.callback(box); } emitEvent(box, this.wowEvent); if (this.config.resetAnimation) { addEvent(box, 'animationend', this.resetAnimation); addEvent(box, 'oanimationend', this.resetAnimation); addEvent(box, 'webkitAnimationEnd', this.resetAnimation); addEvent(box, 'MSAnimationEnd', this.resetAnimation); } return box; } applyStyle(box, hidden) { const duration = box.getAttribute('data-wow-duration'); const delay = box.getAttribute('data-wow-delay'); const iteration = box.getAttribute('data-wow-iteration'); return this.animate(() => this.customStyle(box, hidden, duration, delay, iteration)); } animate = (function animateFactory() { if ('requestAnimationFrame' in window) { return callback => window.requestAnimationFrame(callback); } return callback => callback(); }()); resetStyle() { for (let i = 0; i < this.boxes.length; i++) { const box = this.boxes[i]; = 'visible'; } return undefined; } resetAnimation(event) { if (event.type.toLowerCase().indexOf('animationend') >= 0) { const target = || event.srcElement; target.className = target.className.replace(this.config.animateClass, '').trim(); } } customStyle(box, hidden, duration, delay, iteration) { if (hidden) { this.cacheAnimationName(box); } = hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; if (duration) { this.vendorSet(, { animationDuration: duration }); } if (delay) { this.vendorSet(, { animationDelay: delay }); } if (iteration) { this.vendorSet(, { animationIterationCount: iteration }); } this.vendorSet(, { animationName: hidden ? 'none' : this.cachedAnimationName(box) }); return box; } vendors = ['moz', 'webkit']; vendorSet(elem, properties) { for (const name in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(name)) { const value = properties[name]; elem[`${name}`] = value; for (let i = 0; i < this.vendors.length; i++) { const vendor = this.vendors[i]; elem[`${vendor}${name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${name.substr(1)}`] = value; } } } } vendorCSS(elem, property) { const style = getComputedStyle(elem); let result = style.getPropertyCSSValue(property); for (let i = 0; i < this.vendors.length; i++) { const vendor = this.vendors[i]; result = result || style.getPropertyCSSValue(`-${vendor}-${property}`); } return result; } animationName(box) { let aName; try { aName = this.vendorCSS(box, 'animation-name').cssText; } catch (error) { // Opera, fall back to plain property value aName = getComputedStyle(box).getPropertyValue('animation-name'); } if (aName === 'none') { return ''; // SVG/Firefox, unable to get animation name? } return aName; } cacheAnimationName(box) { // // box.dataset is not supported for SVG elements in Firefox return this.animationNameCache.set(box, this.animationName(box)); } cachedAnimationName(box) { return this.animationNameCache.get(box); } // fast window.scroll callback scrollHandler() { this.scrolled = true; } scrollCallback() { if (this.scrolled) { this.scrolled = false; const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.boxes.length; i++) { const box = this.boxes[i]; if (box) { if (this.isVisible(box)) {; continue; } results.push(box); } } this.boxes = results; if (!this.boxes.length && ! { this.stop(); } } } // Calculate element offset top offsetTop(element) { // SVG elements don't have an offsetTop in Firefox. // This will use their nearest parent that has an offsetTop. // Also, using ('offsetTop' of element) causes an exception in Firefox. while (element.offsetTop === undefined) { element = element.parentNode; } let top = element.offsetTop; while (element.offsetParent) { element = element.offsetParent; top += element.offsetTop; } return top; } // check if box is visible isVisible(box) { const offset = box.getAttribute('data-wow-offset') || this.config.offset; const viewTop = ( this.config.scrollContainer && this.config.scrollContainer.scrollTop ) || window.pageYOffset; const viewBottom = viewTop + Math.min(this.element.clientHeight, getInnerHeight()) - offset; const top = this.offsetTop(box); const bottom = top + box.clientHeight; return top <= viewBottom && bottom >= viewTop; } disabled() { return ! && isMobile(navigator.userAgent); } }